The Best Way To Lose Weight - Health and Fitness
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The Best Way To Lose Weight

The Best Way To Lose Weight

The Best Way To Lose Weight
The Best Way To Lose Weight

Lets start off by making sure that when you say “What is the best way to lose weight?” That what you really mean is to lose that weight safely and to keep it off for life. If that is what you mean, then lets cut through some common misconceptions and show you the best way to lose weight without the fluff and confusion.

There is no single best way to achieve weight loss; it is always a combined effort using a couple different systems of the body. This means that in order to lose your weight fast but to do it safely we have to eat right, do some aerobic exercise as well as resistance training. From years of personal training I can tell you with certainty that if one of these three components is missing, your weight loss will be slow to non-existent.

Now I have seen people lose weight fast with only extreme dieting, however this weight comes back quickly and usually with a few extra pounds to make for a comfortable stay. Not only is this not the best way or even the fastest way for weight loss but also it is very unsafe. The systems of the body do like to lose weight in this fashion and will rebel.

So how does one go about losing weight as quick as possible using the mentioned methods? Lets talk about eating right for weight loss first. Right eating includes 4-6 small meals a day. Each of these meals should contain some of all the macronutrients. This means fat, carbohydrates as well as protein. Divide these meals evenly through the day, say every three to four hours.

Another of the best things you can do to lose weight quickly is incorporate aerobic exercise into your schedule. This means any activity that gets you breathing harder than normal and for a duration of 30 minutes to an hour. You should do this at least 4 times a week along with the next component of our “best way to lose weight” system.

Now remember, this is a system, not a best way, lose weight fast gimmick. So along with your aerobic exercise like walking or jogging you are going to do some resistance training. This does not have to be complicated. A weight loss workout program only has to put a little more stress than usual on your muscles to be effective. This could be as simple as this.

Bodyweight Squats Pushups on your knees Sit-ups or crunches Calf Raises on some stairs

Do all of these in a row until you cant do another one and then repeat the whole weight loss circuit two more times. This should be done every time you do your cardio for the first couple of weeks to get the ball rolling and to get rid of the stomach rolls….

You can see that in fact, the best way to lose weight and keep it off for life, is more like a way of living. It really isn’t that big of a deal though. The ideas presented above will hardly impede your regular schedule. Sure, you may miss one hour long TV show, but the results and way you feel will more than make up for a missed episode of “So You Think You Can Dance”.

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